React Package Manager’s and which one to choose

2 min readMay 19, 2021

If you have ever built a react app , then chances are you have used a package manager to do so. In my early stages of working with react, I was introduced to Npm(Node Package Manager). I didn’t fully understand what it was or why i used it. I simply understood that I used it to start my project but i didn't understand the scale or impact that the package manager had on the actual app.

Package Manager

Package managers are usually installed using a Node.js package manager like NPM CLI or Yarn Classic. The Package manager allows us to install packages of pre-existing code. These packages contain from the most simplest of functions like isNumber to far more complicated packages.

Node Package Manager

>npm install <package>

NPM is a package manager for Javascript. Npm can be installed using the command above, However npm is installed with Node automatically. Node Package Manager is the default package manager for node and works with javascript directories through the command line.


npm install yarn --global

Yarn stands for Yet Another Resource Negotiator. Like NPM yarn is a package manager however, yarn cannot be installed unless Npm is installed first. Facebook developed the open source package manager to fix the problems and bugs with NPM. Yarn can be installed with the command above.

